Created at RichardsDee.
Challenge: All kinds of children need Childline for all kinds of reasons. The problem was that many saw Childline as a crisis charity – a place for the most serious problems. Our task was to correct this misconception and show that Childline is a go-to, always-on, open-door resource to help every child face every sort of life challenge with confidence and resilience.
Solution: We established a strategy grounded in insights. The 250 children that we spoke to we’re growing up all across Ireland. We held focus groups to ensure we were crystal clear on the real-life challenges young people were facing, how they really felt about them, what support they needed and how they viewed Childline. We also wanted to know what their understanding of resilience was.
Our new brand was grounded in resilience and everything it inspires. Brightness and boldness came into play. Childline is committed to being by every child’s side and to demonstrate this unity we amplified the two ‘i’s in the logo and echoed the brand promise ‘By Your Side’ across communications.

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